Church Leaders
Our Ministers

Rev. Dwayne Evans

Rev. Michael Ferguson
The Deacon Ministry has as its primary objective to serve the Lord as it fulfills the mission and vision of the Oak Shade Baptist ​Church. The Deacons Ministry is actively involved in some way as a part of all seven areas of the vision, in as much as it assists the Pastor and serves in a spiritual advisory role to all of the ministries in the church. These men are elected by the membership and are considered a key part of the official board of the Church.

The Deaconess are a group of women voted in by the Church body (normally) the wives of the deacons that serve to assist in the fulfillment of the entire mission and vision of the Church. The Deaconess ministry makes objectives, goals and plans to promote growth and fellowship in the church and community.
​​The Deaconess meets every Sunday morning for devotions and prayer for our church, community and special prayer for the sick. The Ministry also recognize member of the church who face challenges yet remain faithful in their service to the Lord “Stay Focus Award”.